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Non-sectarian, non-profit, sosial service agency providing a broad range of services to families, individuals and groups

Counseling Service

Affordable, confidential and effective therapy for individuals, couples, families and groups.


Home Care Services

Helping older adults remain independent.  Personal Care and Housekeeping Services.  Flexible hours.  Solid personnel.

C. H. A. I. Project

Channeling Healthy Adolescent Interaction. Preventive education, consultation, and support to help Jewish adolescents cope with the stress of daily living


Serving Jewish refugees from throughout the world
           [Home Page] [ABC] [Home Care] [C.H.A.I]
12233 Peach Street, Liberty, MO 66411

Tel: 1(816) 554-6670
Fax: (816) 554-6644
E-mail Us
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    Created by Alina Bashmakov